Take 2
Assassins Creed
II am lost. I am a violent man in a violent world becoming increasing at odds with my beginning, my end and everything in between. I feel separated from life, the universe and everything. I quite enjoy the feeling. I am still an assassin and shall live as such.
The game doesn’t really do any double takes or hairpin turns on you regarding the bulk of the game play, so it should come as no surprise to those that like the stealth games, that they keep coming back for more.I can’t detract at all from the design, it is beautiful and fragrant and intoxicating with sunbursts and late afternoon auras warm against your hardened face. You can smell the scent of incense and oragnges intermingling with the sweet smell of insanity as you delve into a myriad of bad men. The more you play this game, the more righteous you begin to feel as you continue to dole out the pain to those much in deservance of it.
The level design later in the game begin to rattle your cage a bit more and your stealthy quests take on the jangled and frantic disposition of a speed freak high on Jesus. Very nice game design indeed, the only bad thing being when you return to the lab for tests and mundane banter with the “mean doctor” and his “sexy assistant” who remains cpld and aloof but with a hint of the predictable ‘meow’ welling up. Still a great title, much more to see yet.